Masonry & Concrete - Masonry Repair & Restore
ITW Devcon offers a full range of high-performance adhesives and maintenance, repair and operations products.
With the popularity of stucco, concrete, and other cementitious building materials, it is not surprising that coatings and repair patches for stucco and masonry are selling at an all-time high. Stucco repair and masonry repair patches from Gardner are available nationwide under the Permanent Patch brand.
Henry Company
Sealants can affect various elements of a structure: temperature, moisture management, energy efficiency and more. With Henry roof sealants and multi-purpose sealants, you can take care of sealing roofs, flashing, windows and doors to name a few.
Henry driveway asphalt sealers are time-tested and proven to last long and withstand all weather conditions.
The QUIKRETE® Companies offers concrete and mortar mixes; cements; concrete repair products; stucco, waterproofing, tile setting and blacktop products; floor underlayments; sand and aggregates; and other seasonal items.
Simpson Strong-Tie
Simpson Strong-Tie's line of repair, protection and strengthening products include Composite Strengthening Systems, Structural Piling Repair and Protection System and concrete repair, protection and strengthening solutions.